2025 Sewage Enforcement Officer Appointments Notification
Cogan House Township Lycoming County
*Note that agencies/firms employed for municipal sewage enforcement must identify their certified individuals utilized and that is who you list below. You must have at least one Alternative Sewage Enforcement Officer, as well as a Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer.
Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer:
Terry Meyers SEO # 2731
301 Tannery Hill Road
Osceola, PA 16942
Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers:
Patrick McConnell SEO # 4204
1164 Wilson Hill Road
Morris, PA 16938
Jami Nolan SEO # 3587
1799 Kehrer Hill Road
Montoursville, PA 17754
*Please include a copy of your municipal sewage enforcement fee schedule with this notification. All materials may be emailed, faxed, or mailed to the individual that sent you this,