The New Love Center plans on being at the Township building tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, from 4:00pm – 5:00pm.
Due to the forecasted inclement weather, they will not be bringing up the truck. They will be bringing up another vehicle with prepackaged boxes.
If there are any chamges, they will be posted here.
Thank you.
Electronics Recycling
Goodwill Store & Donation Center
175 International Dr Lewisburg, PA 17837 USA
Phone: 570.867.8079
Board of Supervisor’s Meeting Dates
All meetings will be on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm except for January which will be on Monday, January 6 & November, which will be on Wednesday at 6:00pm.
Updated information for the Cogan House Recreation Committee is now listed in the Cogan House Recreation Committee under the Local Programs & Information tab.